11 research outputs found

    Techniques for Performance Improvement of Integer Multiplication in Cryptographic Applications

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    The problem of arithmetic operations performance in number fields is actively researched by many scientists, as evidenced by significant publications in this field. In this work, we offer some techniques to increase performance of software implementation of finite field multiplication algorithm, for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. The developed technique, called “delayed carry mechanism,” allows to preventing necessity to consider a significant bit carry at each iteration of the sum accumulation loop. This mechanism enables reducing the total number of additions and applies the modern parallelization technologies effectively


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    Biometrija se nanaša na identifikacijo osebe, na osnovi fizikalnih in vedenjskih značilnosti. Danes poznamo veliko biometričnih sistemov, ki temeljijo na prepoznavi teh, za vsakogar edinstvenih značilnosti. Nekateri od biometričnih sistemov vključujejo značilnosti: prstni odtisi, geometrija roke, glas, šarenica itd., ki se lahko uporabijo za osebno identifikacijo. Večina biometričnih sistemov temelji na odvzemu in primerjavi biometričnih značilnosti na osnovi katerih se izvede identifikacija. Študijo začnemo z zgodovinskim pregledom biometričnih in radiofrekvenčih identifikacijskih (RFID) metod ter raziskovalnega področja. Študijo nadaljujemo v smeri biometričnih metod na osnovi prstnih odtisov. Vsak biometrični sistem vključuje naslednje tri postopke: registracija, priprava odčitanega vzorca, in preverba ujemanja odčitanega vzorca s shranjenim digitaliziranim vzorcem v bazi podatkov. Optimizacija biometričnega sistema z nevronskimi mrežami rezultira v multi–biometričnih ali multimodalnih biometričnih sistemih. S tem postopkom združimo dve ali več biometričnih metod v obliki učinkovitejšega ter varnejšega biometričnega sistema. V raziskavi smo razvili matematični model na osnovi »markovskih verig« za določevanje zanesljivosti in razpoložljivosti predstavljenega identifikacijskega sistema. Z aktualnimi razvojno raziskovalnimi projekti na tem področju, pa to študijo še empirično potrjujemo. Učinkovitost in zanesljivost sta pomembna dejavnika pri obravnavi in delovanju vseh biometričnih sistemov. Z raziskavo se osredotočamo na meritve v procesu delovanja biometričnih in RFID sistemov ter pojasnimo, kaj pomenijo dobljeni rezultati. V okviru raziskave navajamo pregled relevantnih standardov, ki služijo za določitev politike biometričnih ukrepov, varnostnih mehanizmov in uspešno ter kakovostno izvedbo identifikacije.Biometrics refers to the identification of a person on the basis of physical and behavioural characteristics. Today we know a lot of biometric systems based on the identification of everyone\u27s unique characteristics. Some biometric systems include the characteristics of: fingerprints, hand geometry, voice, iris, etc., and can be used for identification. Most biometric systems are based on the collection and comparison of biometric characteristics, which can provide identification. The study begins with a historical review of biometric and radio frequency identification (RFID) methods and research area. The study continues in the direction of biometric methods based on fingerprints. Each biometric system includes the following three processes: registration, preparation of sample, and readings of the sample. Finally, the system provides comparison of the measured sample with digitized samples stored in the database. The optimization of a biometric system with neural networks results in multi-biometric or multimodal biometric systems. This procedure combines two or more biometric methods in the form of more efficient and more secure biometric system. During research, we carried out the »Markov chains« mathematical model for determining of the effectiveness of the identification system. With actual ongoing research and development projects in this area, this study has to be confirmed empirically. Efficiency and reliability are important factors in reading and operation of biometric systems. The research focuses on the measurement of activity in the process of biometric and RFID systems, and explains what the obtained result mean. The research gives a review of relevant standards, which are necessary to determine the policy of biometric measures, security mechanisms and successful implementation of quality identification process


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    Terrorism and the Internet are related in two main ways. First, the Internet has become a forum for terrorist groups and individual terrorists both to spread their messages of hate and violence and to communicate with one another and their sympathizers. Secondly, individuals and groups have tried to attack computer networks, including those on the Internet, what has become known as cyber terrorism or cyber warfare. Digital development index is indicator which measures the level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) adoption of countries. Purpose of this article is to find correlation functions of Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks (most known cyber terrorist method) and index of digital development of countries and provide information of their relations.Тероризм та інтернет пов'язані в двох основних напрямках. По-перше, Інтернет став форумом для терористичних груп та окремих терористів для поширення своїх повідомлень ненависті і насильства, а також для спілкування з іншими їхніми прихильниками. По-друге, окремі особи і групи намагаються атакувати комп'ютерні мережі, в тому числі в Інтернеті, що стало називатися кібер-тероризмом і кібер-війнами. Цифровий індекс розвитку є показником, який вимірює рівень інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій (ІКТ), прийнятий у країні. Мета цієї статті полягає в знаходженні кореляційних функцій атаки типу відмова в обслуговуванні (DoS), який є найвідомішим кібертерористичним методом, та індексу цифрового розвитку країни та надання інформації про їх взаєминах.Терроризм и интернет связаны в двух основных направлениях. Во-первых, Интернет стал форумом для террористических групп и отдельных террористов для распространения своих сообщений ненависти и насилия, а также для общения с другими их сторонниками. Во-вторых, отдельные лица и группы пытаются атаковать компьютерные сети, в том числе в Интернете, что стало называться кибер-терроризмом и кибер-войнами. Цифровой индекс развития является показателем, который измеряет уровень информационно-коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ), принятый в стране. Цель этой статьи заключается в нахождении корреляционных функций атаки типа отказ в обслуживании (DoS), который является самым известным кибертеррористическим методом, и индекса цифрового развития страны и предоставление информации об их взаимоотношениях

    Simulation of Territorial Development Based on Fiscal Policy Tools

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    Modern approaches to the development of a national economy are often characterized with an imbalanced inflation of some economic branches leading to a disproportional socioeconomic territories development (SETD). Such disproportions, together with other similar factors, frequently result in a lack of economic integrity, various regional crises, and a low rate of the economic and territorial growth. Those disproportions may also conduce to an inadequate degree of the interregional collaboration. This paper proposes the ways of regulating imbalances in the territorial development based upon the fiscal policy tools. The latter can immediately reduce the amplitude of economic cycle fluctuations and provide for a stable development of the economic state system. The same approach is applied to control the processes of transformation of the tax legislation and tax relations, as well as the levying and redistribution of the recollected taxes among the territories’ budgets (this approach is also known as a tax policy). To resume, this paper describes comprehensive models of financial regulation of the socioeconomic territorial development that can help in estimating and choosing the right financial policy parameters. These provide the stable rates of the growth of national economies along with a simultaneous decrease in interregional socioeconomic disproportions